International Characters -- Error: Illegal (text) (error code illegal_text) state: Málaga

Karl Hiramoto karl at
Sun Jan 2 14:23:16 PST 2005

In the country ES (Spain) there is the province of Málaga
i get the error of:
Error: Illegal (text) (error code illegal_text) state: Málaga
I believe the "á" character is causing the server to error.

If i change to a state/region that does not have the character, it works fine.  

URL of error 

I just installed today using HTML::Mason on gentoo linux with apache 
1.3.33 and postgresql backend. All installed all the perl modules today 
from CPAN so they would be the latest version.  freeside-1.5.0pre6

On another question how much internationalization is there?   For 
example since I´m in Spain if there was a way to configure multiple 
languages available for customers to use the self signup it would be 
nice..  I´m willing to do some translation help if necessary.

What I had in mind was on the self signup the users could select 
between  English, Spanish (Español) or German(Deutsch) for example.


Karl Hiramoto <karl at>
US VOIP: 603.966.4448
Spain Home from US 011(34) 952.827.554
Spain Home from EU 00 (34) 952.827.554
Spain Mobil 011 (34) 617.463.826
Yahoo_IM = karl_hiramoto
You know you're using the computer too much when:
you are unable to sleep without its comforting whirring sound.
	-- neenee

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