[freeside] freeside transaction idle states in postgresql

ivan ivan at 420.am
Sat Apr 16 14:45:05 PDT 2005

On Sun, Apr 03, 2005 at 10:33:15PM -0400, Stephen D. Bechard wrote:
> Not sure if this is part of the normal environment for 1.5.0pre6?

I don't intentionally hold open anything, but it could certainly be a 

Incidentally, are you using Apache::DBI?  I've been having problems with
that of late, have wound up disabling it.


> Since installing freeside 1.5.0pre6 on my development server and
> upgrading my production server, I see that certain parts of the 
> aspdocs web interface are leaving my postgresql server 7.4.7_3 in
> an idle transaction state, which prevents me from running my 
> nightly vacuumdb script...
> Here is what I see from a `ps aux`
> pgsql    92589  0.0  0.8 16668 8032  ??  I    Sat01PM   0:00.03 
> postmaster: freeside freeside ::1 idle in transaction (postgr
> pgsql    92296  0.0  0.8 16688 8312  ??  I    Sat09AM   0:00.03 
> postmaster: freeside freeside ::1 idle in transaction (postgr
> pgsql    98222  0.6  0.8 16676 8640  ??  S    10:17PM   0:00.26 
> postmaster: freeside freeside ::1 idle in transaction (postgr
> pgsql    98221  0.2  0.8 16672 8044  ??  I    10:17PM   0:00.48 
> postmaster: freeside freeside ::1 idle in transaction (postgr
> pgsql    98192  0.0  1.1 16744 11668  ??  I    10:14PM  0:00.57 
> postmaster: freeside freeside ::1 idle in transaction (postgr
> They never seem to go away unless I restart the apache webserver...
> I was wondering if this was an issue with my installations or if there
> was a way to prevent this, as now I have to restart my apache webserver
> to free up all of the connections prior to my vacuuming the databases.
> Thanks in Advance,
> Steve

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