self service package install problem

timlee1996 timlee1996 at
Tue Nov 30 17:51:23 PST 2004

Hi, I am trying to install the self service/agent package
in freeside-1.5.0pre6.

The agent.cgi is executable by freeside ( my apache 1.x running as 
freeside ).

If I used the straight cgi config in httpd.conf, the login page 
(generated by agent.cgi) shows up, but text <%= $username %> is
in the page.

AddHandler cgi-script cgi pl

<Directory /var/www/masondocs/client>
        Options +ExecCGI

I think this is because the variables in mason template is not being
resolved. So I used the following config from backend site which is
working fine for the freeside backend admin pages. But the self service 
login page return perl source code instead of html.

PerlModule HTML::Mason

<Directory /var/www/masondocs/client>

<Files ~ (\.cgi|\.html)>
AddHandler perl-script .cgi .html
PerlHandler HTML::Mason
  require "/usr/local/etc/freeside/";


Any suggestion ? What's the configure you guys used for the self
service site ?

Thanks a lot.

- Tim

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