[freeside] Multiple instances, one database?

Scott mailinglists-freeside at sisna.com
Mon Nov 8 13:47:10 PST 2004

Someone may correct me if they wish, but I'd go for a chroot install.  Ideally 
with two ip addresses, one for each domain. eg, freeside.abc.tld and 
freeside.xyz.tld.  Or run them on two different ports.

I think you could really run them in one instance of apache, but some of the 
source is hardcoded to /usr/local/etc/freeside.  I think that's the main 
roadblock you'll encounter if you attempt to run them in the same filesystem.

Let us know your adventures.  Someone else is bound to need this in the 
future, say even 5 or more sites all self contained so to speak.


Scott Edwards
Daxal Communications

On Monday 08 November 2004 01:47 pm, Gerald V. Livingston II wrote:
> OK, next question as I test this out. 
> We currently have two companies in one building. Due some legal issues we
> can't fully merge them and absorb the customer base of the second into the
> first yet, we have to treat them as completely separate even though the
> owner/employees/physical address are the same.
> Can one copy of freeside be set up to create different invoices and use
> different Auth.Net settings based on a domain name suffix on usernames or
> some other flag?
> Ie. joe at abc.tld should get all invoice or nitification emails with a
> support at abc.tld return address and abc.tld template headers .. but
> joe at xyz.tld should get messages from support at xyz.tld
> If not, can I run two instances of Freeside on a single machine using a
> single database with usernames stored with a domain name suffix (there are
> some duplicates except for the domain name part)?
> We are trying to merge billing into a single system in preparation for
> future total merge of the companies.
> Thanks,
> Gerald

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