[freeside] Adding accounts

Nate Bradley Nate at acsmagnum.com
Mon Mar 8 13:28:17 PST 2004

I have added an export for shellcommands (useradd, etc.) for localhost,
so I guess I'll sit and wait.
I had a job in the queue for a new user before I added this export,
will this job be affected.
Why isn't adding an export part of the initial administration? 
Shouldn't freeside assume all jobs go to localhost unless told
otherwise?  I noticed freeside defaults to using localhost for SMTP.

>>> rharby at caarnet.com 3/8/2004 3:13:32 PM >>>
What are you using for an export on that particular service type? You
to ensure you have at least one export associated with the service in


-----Original Message-----
From: Nate Bradley [mailto:Nate at acsmagnum.com] 
Sent: Monday, March 08, 2004 1:39 PM
To: ivan-freeside at sisd.com 
Subject: [freeside] Adding accounts

freeside 1.4.1
on fedora core 1
perl 5.8.1
mod_perl 1.29
apache 1.3.27-4 using Apache::ASP
Postgresql 7.3.4-11
DBD::Pg 1.22

I have a question regarding new users.  It seems that the user
aren't being created on the system.
I am running everything on one server.  Is there a problem with that
other than security issues.
The new user is in the database but the actual user account hasn't

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