Where are Business::OnlinePayment transactions logged?

Gerald V. Livingston II gerald.freeside at sysmatrix.net
Sun Dec 12 10:06:32 PST 2004

Are transactions logged anywhere? As in the actual transaction process.

I put testing/testing in the Freeside user/pass section for AuthorizeNet
and test transactions APPEAR to be working (ie. the "bill" gets paid).

Attempted CREDIT transactions fail with this error:

Error: AuthorizeNet error: (TESTMODE) This transaction cannot be accepted. 
so I'm currently assuming the transactions are actually being submitted to
AuthorizeNet. I want to be able to see the result codes for successful
transactions though.

OK, playing with it I got the error test account code from the AuthorizeNet
docs 4222222222222 and now I can generate errors like:

Error processing your request
Your request could not be processed because of the following error: 
AuthorizeNet error: (TESTMODE) The Nova bank number or terminal ID is incorrect. Call Merchant Service Provider. 

Your request could not be processed because of the following error: 
AuthorizeNet error: (TESTMODE) A duplicate transaction has been submitted. 

Your request could not be processed because of the following error: 
AuthorizeNet error: (TESTMODE) The merchant does not accept this type of credit card. 

So, using testing/testing works.

Would you like me to clean up this explanation (give me a few weeks, I'm
running on fumes) to include as an AuthorizeNet addendum to the docs? I
need to run through all the possible codes that can be generated using the
4222... number because the AuthorizeNet docs themselves aren't 100% clear
on that point.


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