[freeside] AuthorizeNet Test mode and transaction key use

Gerald V. Livingston II gerald.freeside at sysmatrix.net
Sat Dec 11 13:24:34 PST 2004

On 10 Dec 2004 15:52:39 Gerald V. Livingston II wrote:

> While poking around in this I find that authorizenet.pm has code to
> support both test transactions and the use of a transaction_key rather
> than password. I just don't know how to use them or attempt to implement
> them in freeside.
> I am going to try to track down help in possibly adding these as options
> in Freeside. I don't think I can learn enough perl fast enough. 
> Right now the "test mode in Freeside config" is of most interest because
> I want to be able to set up a few test users and run through complete 
> billing cycles from setup to cancellation to refund -- including full
> interaction with the AuthorizeNet servers -- before I start transferring
> customer data from our brain dead legacy system.

While digging through code I took Ivan's suggestion and looked at the stuff
in the Business::OnlinePayment::AuthorizeNet /t directory. I still don't
know how to use the stuff there to run my own tests <grin> but I did note
that in credit_card.t it uses a username/pass of testing/testing. 

Would it work to use those in Freeside's config file or does
x_test_transaction = TRUE also have to be sent when using that user/pass?

In my 4 years of dealing with AuthorizeNet whenever I asked about a "test
mode" they only told me about either setting "Test Mode" through the web
interface (making ALL transactions into non-posting tests) or using
x_test_transaction in an https POST transaction. No mention of an actual
testing account user/pass.


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