Suggested change to Install instructions

BrunsFtCol brunsftcol at
Fri Oct 3 00:25:00 PDT 2003

Hello, Ivan -

Not sure if this should go directly to you (are you the keeper of the
or whether it should be emailed to the listserv?



Hello all -

Near the top of the Freeside Installation doc, it says ---

   Apache (mod_ssl or Apache-SSL highly recommended)

I think it should warn that if mod_ssl is used, the latest Apache vers.
cannot be used.

The site shows the latest version of mod_ssl as being :

   Current Version: mod_ssl 2.8.15 for Apache 1.3.28

I.e. there is no current mod_ssl support for Apache 2.

And when you back the version of Apache up from 2.x to 1.3.x, this will
the next step in the Installation doc as well ---

   mod_perl (if compiling your own mod_perl, make sure you set ....)

If you go out and get the latest version of mod_perl, the doc file in it -


states that :

   .... Apache 2.0 is required. mod_perl 2.0 B<does not> work with Apache

So you have to move the version of mod_perl back from 1.99.x to 1.28.x or

I usually prepare for installing prerequisites by downloading the latest
stable versions of each package.  That doesn't work for FS's prerequisites,
and it would save first-time installers a significant amount of effort if
you could put a short note into that first paragraph about this gotcha.


Larry Bruns
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