Referral Error

troyh at troyh at
Sun Dec 7 10:05:57 PST 2003

Geting the following error when I try to bill customers that dont have any
referrals. Works just fine for customers that do. Any help will be great.
Trying to get this going by 1/1/04 to start offering referals.

Flat Rate with recurring commission per active customer
Setup fee for this package: 0
Recurring fee for this package: 14.95
Number of layers: 1
Commission amount per month (per active customer): 1.00
Freeside version 1.4.1

------------ cut -------------------
Error processing your request

Your request could not be processed because of the following error:

Error eval-ing part_pkg->recur pkgpart 8(expression my $error =
$cust_pkg->cust_main->credit( 1 *
"commission" ); die $error if $error; 14.95;): error inserting
FS::cust_credit=HASH(0x911a370): amount must be > 0 at (eval 40744) line

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