[freeside] Exporting vpopmail and Bank of America Processing

kragsdale3 at cox.net kragsdale3 at cox.net
Thu Sep 5 10:55:31 PDT 2002

-----Original Message-----
I don't think the vpopmail export was extensively tested after I converted Jeff's code to a new-style export.  His code worked, any bogosity is my fault. :)  The `voppmail machine' field is extraneous and never should have been there.  Try 1.4.1 (I'll have a beta out soon) or get FS/FS/part_export.pm and FS/FS/part_export/vpopmail.pm from CVS.


----End Message-----


Sorry for breaking the thread, but I'm typing this from work.

I have installed the newer vpopmail.pm and part_export.pm.  I can now create the export, but when I attempt to export the data, I get the following error message:

failed: can't open vpasswd file for kevinr at nationsnetwork.net: /usr/local/etc/freeside/export.DBI:Pg:host=localhost;dbname=freeside/domains/nationsnetwork.net/vpasswd: No such file or directory at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/FS/part_export/vpopmail.pm line 82.

Here are the args from the Job Queue:

/usr/local/etc/freeside/export.D... /home/vpopmail/ 89 89 kevinr 0OLnAmmv9IgTk nationsnetwork.net 

I did a sniffer trace, and the freeside machine never attempts to contact the vpopmail server.

I have File::Rsync installed.

Thanks again for all the help,

Kevin Ragsdale

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