Domain_Record Field Length

Eric Smoker smoker at
Tue Nov 19 11:06:42 PST 2002


Freeside 1.4.1beta4
Mandrake 8.2
Apache 1.3.23
Postgres 7.2
perl 5.601
DBI 1.20
DBD-Pg 1.01

I have a problem with the field length of recdata in domain_record. I have a 
fairly long domian name and when I try to add a new domain the SOA record 
errs out with "Error: couldn't insert SOA record for new domain: ERROR: value 
too long for type character varying(80)".

I think the answer to this is to change the field length in bin/fs-setup but 
will this cause any other problems? Is this the corect method for changing 

Eric Smoker

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