Is this an fs_signup_server misconfiguration?

Matt Joerson matt_joerson at
Thu Nov 14 17:09:15 PST 2002

Greetings list.

My installation of Freeside  version 1.4.1beta4 has
gone quite well. The system is up and running. Test
accounts are starting and suspending as they should
and all my exports are working great!

Having seen all of this work so well, I decided to
setup fs_signup_server.  
I have the client side running on a separtate machine
Apache-AdvancedExtranetServer/1.3.26 under the
freeside user. On the freeside
server I am running PostgreSQL version 7.2.3, Apache
version 1.3.19, 
DBD-Pg-1.13.  I am getting the following from the
debug of fs_signup_server 
when I run it with "fs_signup_server manny 1 1" try to 
post data from the client machine:

[fs_signup_server] Connecting to
[fs_signup_server] Sending init data...
[fs_signup_server] Entering main loop...
[fs_signup_server] Reading (waiting for) signup
[fs_signupd] Reading init data...
[fs_signupd] Creating
[fs_signupd] Entering main loop...
[fs_signupd] sending signup info...
[fs_signupd] sending signup info...
[fs_signupd] reading customer signup...
[fs_signupd] sending customer data to remote server...
[fs_signupd] reading error from remote server...
  daytime => 333-333-3331
  ss =>
  popnum => 1
  country => US
  first => First
  payname => Accounts Payable
  referral_custnum =>
  pkgpart => 3
  paydate => 12-2037
  payby => BILL
  state => TX
  county =>
  address1 => Address
  address2 =>
  night => 333-333-3332
  payinfo => P.O>
  fax => 333-333-3333
  city => City
  invoicing_list => my at
  zip => 12345
  username => user1
  last => Last
  sec_phrase =>
  _password => pass1
  company =>
[fs_signup_server] Processing signup...
[fs_signup_server] Sending results...
[fs_signup_server] Reading (waiting for) signup
[fs_signupd] sending error to local client...
[fs_signupd] sending signup info...

As you can see, the username I am trying to add
(user1) is 5 characters 
long. However, this error message appears on the
client html display: 
"Error: Illegal username (error code illegal_username)

I have tried changing both  usernamemin and 
usernamemax to higher 
and lower numbers (knowing full well it wouldn't help,
but what the heck). 

I notice in the log file it shows "reading error from
remote server...",
but I find no error in apache error logs. So I tried
rebuilding everything 
for the client side to make sure there were no
problems and tried again
with same results.

I looked for a README for fs_signup_server, but
haven't seen one.

Again, everything else is working great!  Why does
this not see that 
the username is well within the specified character
count?  Any 
idea what I have done wrong?

Help greatly appreciated.

Other possibly helpful info:
Both run linux kernel 2.4.19
Perl version 5.8.0 on client & 5.6.0 on server

Server only:
PostgreSQL version 7.2.3 
Apache version 1.3.19 



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