Stability and 1.4.0

Donald L. Greer, Jr. dgreer at
Thu Jun 27 10:39:57 PDT 2002

  Quick question:
  How close is 1.4.0 final?  I know from follow this and the devel list 
that you're close, but any idea if we're looking at 1 month? 6?
  Not asking for a schedule or a deadline, just what your "feeling" is 
based on bug reports and feature completion issues.
  And yes, I know all contributions are welcome (in context-diff format :^).

Donald L. Greer, Jr                  dgreer at AustinTX.COM
System Administrator                 Voice: 512-300-0176
AustinTX.COM                    http://www.AustinTX.COM/
  All opinions are my own.  Flame me directly.

"I don't necessarily believe software should be free...
but if you pay for it, it should work!" -- Me

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