[freeside] signup.cgi agent scope

ivan ivan at 420.am
Sat Jan 19 07:34:45 PST 2002

On Tue, Jan 08, 2002 at 04:12:52PM -0800, James Maxwell wrote:
> Hi all, signup.cgi is working nicely, but of course more questions:
> I had noticed that the signup.cgi doesnt have multiple agent
> identification capability, so the new customer data will include the
> referring reseller
> Is it possible to run seperate instances of signup.cgi/fs_signup_server
> each with unique agentnum refnum
> so we would know that this customer was signed up from a particular
> reseller?
> If so how roughly would we do this??

Hmm, not sure how that would work.  At the very least, you'd have to make
each instance use a separate socket (maybe with the agentnum appended or

in fs_signup/FS-SignupClient/fs_signupd:

and fs_signup/FS-SignupClient/SignupClient.pm
  $fs_signupd_socket = "/usr/local/freeside/fs_signupd_socket";

I suspect a more scalable solution would use a single socket and
instance of fs_signup_server/fs_signupd/signup.cgi, and pass the agent 
number in as a hidden parameter, like the referring_custnum.

Patches appriciated, of course.  Good luck.


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