[freeside] email not being sent

ivan ivan at 420.am
Thu Feb 28 12:09:37 PST 2002

On Thu, Feb 28, 2002 at 11:21:48AM -0600, Rick Eicher II wrote:
> I am getting the following in the apache logs:
> 	Error running invoice event ($cust_bill->send();): (customer # 3) can't
> send invoice email 	for rick at pbol.net to server localhost! at
> /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/FS/cust_main.pm line 1141.
> I have set the smtp server to localhost. And a ps aux show that sendmail is
> running. Is there something I am not setting?

Not with Freeside.  You need to test and fix SMTP connections so Freeside
will be able to send mail.

> Also once I do get email to run is there a way to get all customers bill at
> one time with one command?

rtfm httemplate/docs/billing.html


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