ivan at 420.am
Sat Feb 23 04:24:46 PST 2002
1.4.0pre11 has been released and is available at
The web demo has also been updated to 1.4.0pre11.
Most notably, the main menu has gotten a significant facelift and should
be easier to understand and use.
New frequently-requested financial reports contributed by Jeff Finucane,
The queue daemon web UI has been finished - you can now retry and remove
jobs, error messages from failed jobs appear on the web interface, and
account detail pages show any pending provisioning jobs for thsoe
fs-setup should work under MySQL again. The browse links are still broken
("all customers", "all packages", "all accounts") but at least you should
be able to get everything else working...
Critical Path provisioning has been updated and can now username changes
and suspension/unsuspension.
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