[freeside] Problems with Freeside

ivan ivan at 420.am
Tue Feb 5 13:15:37 PST 2002

On Tue, Feb 05, 2002 at 03:34:36PM -0500, Micheal Ennis wrote:
> The current problem is this;
> when I add a user I don't get positive confirmation, in fact I get a
> blank screen...no message. And then when I do a retrieve to see if the
> record was added..the record was not......any ideas???

Specifically, what page are you entering data on that results in a
blank return on submission?  What version of Freeside?  If 1.3.1, are you 
using suExec, suidperl or mod_perl?  If 1.4.0pre8, are you using
Apache::ASP or Mason?  What's in the Apache error.log?


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