[freeside] Icradius and freeside

ivan at 420.am ivan at 420.am
Wed Aug 7 15:12:01 PDT 2002

> On Tue, 2002-08-06 at 14:59, J?rgen Haraldsson wrote:
> I wounder if there is a easy way to add a extra field in the customer 
> data there you can put a mac address of the customer to use in the 
> icradius as a user.

You can add arbitrary RADIUS attributes.

> And maybe to make Freeside to put the mac address in a dhcp file for 
> approved mac addresses.
> I will use this in wireless lan there every radiocards mac address 
> will be authenticated with a radius server.

This isn't something you can do with Freeside "out of the box" or 
something that we can walk you through on a mailing list, but if you have 
programming and system integration resources, you can use Freeside to 
build something like this.

I've architected and deployed a "cafe" or "hotel" style access for several 
of my customers, both wireless and wired.

Here's a general plan:

The basic architecture consists of central backend billing server, and
Linux or FreeBSD firewall/squid cache/NAT/DHCP box(es) located at the edge
location(s).  Some folks also put the base station on this box (using a
prism2 card), other folks use a separate base station, other folks control
access on a wired, not wireless network.

- The box assigns users an IP address with DHCP.  Initially, users are
  firewalled and cannot access the internet.

- Squidguard <http://www.squidguard.org/> intercepts any attempt
  to browse the web (i.e. any URL) and redirects users to a "sign-in or
  signup" page.

- Once signed-in or signed-up, firewall and squidguard rules are updated
  to allow the user to access the Internet.

- The user can visit a specific page to "sign-out" or simply stop using
  the internet and be automatically timed out.

The billing backend, credit card processing, prepaid cards, real-time
session tracking and "sign-in or signup" tools are provided by Freeside.


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