[freeside] fatal: Can't get REMOTE_USER!

Rick Eicher II rick at pbol.net
Sat Apr 6 09:25:52 PST 2002

what command did you run to add the user for apache auth.? The docs call for
this command to be run. "
$ su
$ freeside-adduser -c -h /usr/local/etc/freeside/htpasswd username"
----- Original Message -----
From: "blarson" <blarson at slaxlan.org>
To: <ivan-freeside at sisd.com>
Sent: Friday, April 05, 2002 5:31 PM
Subject: [freeside] fatal: Can't get REMOTE_USER!

> I'm running freeside version 1.3.1 and having difficulty creating serice
definitions because I get the error "fatal: Can't get REMOTE_USER! for cgi
CGI=HASH(0x814515c) at /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/FS/UID.pm line
189."  I am running apache 1.3.24 and am authenticating using an .htaccess
file.  This system is also running freebsd 4.4(updated a few times) and
mysql for it's database engine.  As you can see it's also running perl
version 5.6.1.  I've made sure that all the required modules are installed
using CPAN but I still recieve this error.  I trolled though the mailing
list archive and the only thing I could find was that this error happenend
when the user wasn't authenticated on apache's side of things but this is
not true for me.  I am authenticating successfully.   I have also
reinstalled the freeside database with no results.  If anybody had any ideas
on what might be wrong they would be very appreciated.

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