[freeside] billing pay up to

Kristian Hoffmann khoff at pc-intouch.com
Fri Sep 14 02:14:20 PDT 2001

Do you mean what date they're paid up to if the invoice for that package
hasn't been fully paid off?  If so, I don't think it's possible.  If you
there was one invoice per package, that's one thing, but there isn't.  
Because if you have two $50 packages that bill at the same time (same
invoice), and you only pay $50, which on is paid off?  There's no good way
to tell.


On Thu, 13 Sep 2001, Adam Rose wrote:

> For lack of a better term,  our billing dept. would like to see a "payed
> up to" date on the view/cust_main.cgi page by the next_bill field for each
> package.  I just need a push in the right direction on this one on
> where to retieve this information.  Any help is appreciated.  
> -- 
> Adam

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