
Kristian Hoffmann khoff at
Tue Oct 2 15:13:14 PDT 2001

Maybe I'm missing something.  I have mason installed, and it appears to be
working.  I've notices some of the cgi scripts, edit/part_svc.cgi for
example, doesn't have any "use FS::..." or a cgisuidsetup call in
it.  Others, like edit/cust_pay.cgi, still have the same lines that the
old cgi scripts from htdocs had.  Does Mason do some kind of automagical
auto-loading foo that I didn't setup correctly?  Here's the Mason-relevent
portion of my httpd.conf file...

PerlSetVar MasonCompRoot /usr/local/etc/freeside/apache/htdocs
PerlSetVar MasonDataDir /usr/local/etc/freeside/apache/mason
PerlModule HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler
<FilesMatch "*.cgi">
        SetHandler perl-script
        PerlHandler HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler


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