[freeside] GNU-Radius

Rene Dudfield rdudfield at hotmail.com
Thu May 24 20:17:05 PDT 2001

>Any body using GNU-RADIUS with Freeside?
>I read that freeside generates a text file "users" or passwd file for
>cistron to authenticate.
>But how does freeside get the accounting info coming in from the TS to the
>Cistron plain text detail file?
>Iam thinking of replacing cistron 1.6.4 for gnu-radius because it supports
>Mysql autethication and accounting. What do you all think?
>Thanks a lot

Sounds good in theory.

I think a more robust way is to authenticate off files generated by from the 
database(add and update files, never delete).

Then have a script to query the db on which users to remove from the files.

This way if your db goes down your users can still log in(and don't wake you 
up in the middle of the night).

Accounting into the db is fine as long as you don't mind loosing data when 
your db is down.  Some radius servers do both(xtradius does).

I'd recomend using both(files and db) and having a cronjob generate totals, 
and find the differences.

If possible get your router or RAS box to generate statistics, so you can 
compare with those as well.

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