[freeside] fs-setup error

Moluh Njilie mnjilie at sdnp.cm
Thu May 3 07:27:33 PDT 2001

Hi to all,
I am trying to install 'fs_1.2.3' on a Linux RedHat7 box. I am running
mysql-3.23.36, Apache_1.3.19.
I have launched 'fs-setup' command.
I have entered  the maximun username length.
I have then got the message "Freesise tracks the RADIUS....". I have not
added any additional attribute.

After I press enter I have the message,

DBD::mysql::db do failed: Access denied for user: 'freeside at localhost' to
database 'freeside' at bin/fs-setup line 230.
CREATE error: Access denied for user: 'freeside at localhost' to database
doing statement: CREATE INDEX svc_acct__username_index ON svc_acct
(username) at bin/fs-setup line 230.
DBD::mysql::db do failed: Table 'svc_acct' already exists at bin/fs-setup
line 230.
CREATE error: Table 'svc_acct' already exists
doing statement: CREATE TABLE svc_acct ( slipip varchar(15) NULL, quota
varchar(80) NULL, popnum int NULL, dir varchar(80) NULL, svcnum int NOT
NULL, shell varchar(80) NULL, username varchar(30) NOT NULL, gid int NULL,
finger varchar(80) NULL, _password varchar(25) NOT NULL, uid int NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (svcnum), INDEX (username) ) at bin/fs-setup line 230.
What am i doing wrongly
Please I need your help.

Moluh Njilie

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