[freeside] adding a new billing field

Jason Spence thalakan at technologist.com
Sun Jun 3 11:16:53 PDT 2001

On Thu, May 17, 2001 at 11:33:55AM -0700, Jeff Raffo developed
a new theory of relativity and: 
> I was wondering if I could get some assistance in adding a field to the "Add
> Package Definition" page.  I would like to be able to show telco fees
> separate from ISP fees and then have it itemized on the invoice that is sent
> to the customer.
> Has anyone else tried things similar to this?

Actually, the internal fork that I made for Fry's has a cost field for
calculating taxes based on our cost of service (as a DSL reseller), as
well as an install field for tracking the install date (vs. the date
the package was created).

That's probably overkill for what you're doing, though.  You just need
to create two separate packages for the telco fees vs. the ISP fees
and maybe write some Perl to keep them in sync (or do it manually
during your billing procedure).

 - Jason

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