Date::Parse example program

Jason Spence thalakan at
Wed Jan 24 00:19:02 PST 2001

Hi -

I'm doing work with the billing script right now, and had to write a
sample program to see what kinds of dates Date::Parse wants.  I've
attached the program to this email.

Just pass it a string to hand to Date::Parse on the command line.  It
will output the results in UNIX epoch and localtime format.

 - Jason
-------------- next part --------------
#!/usr/bin/perl -Tw

use Getopt::Long;
use Date::Parse;

use vars qw($opt_help $opt_version $ret);

my $opt_h = undef;
my $opt_v = undef;

my @options = (
	       "help" => 0,
	       "version" => 0


if($opt_help) {

if($opt_version) {

$ret = str2time($ARGV[0]);

if(!defined($ret)) {
    warn "Date::Parse says that is not a valid date.\n";

print("UNIX date (seconds since Jan. 1 1970 GMT): $ret\n");
print("Human-readable date: " . localtime($ret) . "\n");

# usage: prints out the program's usage message.
# arguments: none
# side effects: kills the program.

sub usage {
    print STDERR ("Usage: date_parse [date]\n" .
	  "Prints out the results of parsing a string with Date::Parse.\n\n" .
	  "--help               Print this help message\n" .
	  "--version            Print the program version\n" .
	  "Please send bugs to Jason Spence <thalakan\>"

# version: prints out the program's version message.
# arguments: none
# side effects: kills the program.

sub version {
    print STDERR ("date_parse 1.0");

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