
ivan ivan at 420.am
Wed Dec 26 05:08:28 PST 2001

1.4.0pre7 - happy boxing day!

This release adds:

- a quick check entry tool for entering large numbers of checks as well
  as customer information on the payment entry screen

- automatic application of payments and credits to outstanding invoices

- the `freeside-overdue' script to list, add postal invoicing, suspend,
  or cancel overdue and/or expired accounts.  (based on disable-overdue
  from Kristian Hoffman and Mark W. ?  help me out here guys, you only
  left "mw/kwh" in the file) 

- Payments and credits are applied against invoices when posted.

- A bunch of UI fixes/tweaks: package browse, payment/credit entry, search
  by check #, others

- Bugfixes, documentation updates, and other miscellania

This release is still broken on MySQL.  MySQL users/developers please take
note:  I am no longer devoting any time to supporting MySQL.  Unless the
community steps forward to support MySQL, 1.4.0 will be PostgreSQL-only. 
See the 1.4.0pre6 announcement and subsequent thread for details on the
standard SQL queries MySQL cannot handle:


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