Integration with Radiator via MySql

Chad Skidmore chad at
Tue Dec 4 20:44:17 PST 2001

I currently have Freeside v.1.4.0pre6 installed.  The system appeared to work with test run while setup for standard /etc/passwd /etc/shadow /etc/raddb/users. My desire is to use mysql for radius and qmail so the next step was to move towards that setup.  In looking at the Docs it is mentioned that you cannot use Postgresql for the Freeside backend with mysql for radius etc. but I noticed that on the configuration screen under icradiusmachines that it says you do not need to run mysql as the Freeside backend to export to mysql.  I have Radiator and mysql running on the remote RADIUS server and have followed what documentation I could understand to setup the vaious config files but the system does not seem to work.  When the icradius-secrets file exists I get a blank page when going to any of the browse customer screens, new customer screenst, etc.  Once I remove that file the system returns to normal.  I have the following config files in place for Radius:

icradiusmachines:    radius    radius    somepassword




Am I missing something obvious or is this type of configuration really not supported?  I know that I could have Radiator lookup agains the Freeside Radiator Postgresql database but I would prefer to have it and QMail lookup agains a different db on the local machine for security reasons and to insure uptime if the main db server is down.

Thanks in advance for the help,

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