[freeside] setup queue (feature suggestion?)

ivan ivan at 420.am
Wed Aug 29 08:16:35 PDT 2001

oh, i agree.  all the ssh stuff should be job-queued like you describe.
got patch?

yes, the speed of the web interface can be vastly improved using mod_perl
and Apache::DBI.

On Wed, Aug 29, 2001 at 10:12:54AM -0500, Vlad Sedov wrote:
> hello - 
> as much as i hate stealing ideas from other billing systems.... ;)
> a few billing packages have a "setup queue" facility - 
> basically, any time you add/delete/modify an account, a web site, or whatever else - the script appends an entry to the queue (could just be another SQL table) with appropriate service information, like username, password, shell, gecos, etc...
> the servers check the queue periodically to see if there are new services to be set up or reconfigured, and if there are, they run a specified script to make appropriate modifications. If modification is successful, the entry is removed from the queue. 
Otherwise, the queue entry is put back into the queue, and marked as unsuccessful, which the admin could revise later and make manual corrections.
> i'm not bashing the SSH method, but it just seems like this process would be slightly less memory/cpu-intensive, not to mention the fact that it would be pretty easy to implement.
> also, i have a question - would freeside's speed improve any if it were run using mod_perl?
> thanks
> Vlad
> P.S. Ivan, you're doing a great job -- it takes guts to write a billing system that works :) ... i've looked at CBMS, and a few others, but they are severely lacking in functionality. there are even a few commercial packages that quite frankly suck.


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