[freeside] payments and prepayments

ivan ivan at 420.am
Fri Aug 10 16:02:01 PDT 2001

Use the `paybatch' field of cust_pay for this.

On Wed, Aug 08, 2001 at 10:17:13AM -0500, Adam Rose wrote:
> Okay, I've been looking at this for some time now.  Our billing department
> wants to have a list of payments received per day so they can make deposit
> slips for the bank.  So, if a customer decides to pay on multiple
> invoices, the report needs to show a one payment and the invoices it paid
> on. 
> I see that paynum in cust_pay is a primary field and I would not want to
> change that. It would be nice if the interface could show one payment and
> which invnum(s) it paid on.  I have been looking for another field besides
> the cust_pay.payinfo to use to associate paynum(s) with one check and on
> multiple invoices.  Any help on this is appreciated.
> Linux 2.2.18
> Perl 5.00503
> Freeside 1.3.1
> -- Adam


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