Radius Check Items

Kenny Elliott kenny at neoserve.com
Thu Jun 29 06:31:51 PDT 2000

Hi Ivan:

  Sorry I have not contributed any more patched lately but it's been a
very hectic two weeks around here. I'm hoping to get back on track
today though.

  I need to add the ability to add radius check items to a service
definition. Currently if I add additional radius items to the svc_acct
and part_svc (I don't need to add them anywhere else right) they will
be treated as Radius reply items only. Adding check items allows me to
support NAS-Port-Type and ICRadius' Simultaneous-Login. The best I've
come up with so far is to add 'radiuscheck_' fields to the database
and supporting scripts. Do you see any problems with this? Are there
any reasons  you would not like to do it this way and perhaps do it

  One other question. The Radius documentation says that
Framed-Address should be Framed-IP-Address. Either seems to work on my
ICRadius and my Livingston Radius v2.x. Any problems with me changing
it to the standard?

  I also noticed in the TODO file that Tim Jung was looking for a way
to support pre-paid cards. I'm ccing this to him so he will see it but
I wanted to mention for those who did not know that ICRadius supports
Monthly-Time-Limit and Total-Time-Limit attributes. This probably will
not solve all of the issues related to pre-paid cards but way assist
in that effort.

Kenny Elliott <kenny at neoserve.com>
System Administration / Web Development
NeoServe, L.L.C.

P: (504) 649-9321
F: (504) 781-6007

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