[freeside] bill -i ? bill -c ?

ivan ivan at 420.am
Fri Jun 23 15:48:06 PDT 2000

On Fri, Jun 23, 2000 at 01:18:16PM -0400, tus wrote:
> Hello there,
> I want to know how exactly does freeside does billing with credit card
> customers with bill -i.  Does it charges them as if "pressing bill now" on
> the webpage in real time ?

`freeside-bill -c -i custnum' is equivalent to the `Bill now' link.

> Also i noticed that you recommend bill -c then -i .. why is that ?

Umm, I suggest `freeside-bill -c'; no reason to run transactions real-time
if you're billing a batch.  Read the manpage for freeside-bill and

> if -i is interactive mode,

It isn't.  I don't know where you got this idea, but I suggest you RTFM.

  -i is for real-time billing (as opposed to batch billing).  only
     relevant for credit cards

> it should be better than batch uploads where as it just
> uploads teh batch, not knowing if it went thru or not.  In the interactive
> mode, if it won't go thru, it won't appear as charged..?!?

Kindly state your questions in some sort of readable English if you'd like
a response.


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