[freeside] Stuck on a hashref and mod_perl

Stephen Amadei amadei at dandy.net
Wed Jun 21 19:52:25 PDT 2000

I have been very unsuccessful trying to lowercase my column names
returned from a fetchrow_hashref.  As some of you may remember, I am
trying to hack Freeside to work on DB2... as I get time, as least.
One thing, is the DB2 returns the columns in the hashref as uppercase,
and DB2 doesn't return a number of rows from $sth->execute... so
I modified the qsearch and new methods to get around these shortcomings,
but apparently this upsets the 'majik' holding the PERL together, and I
get a 
 "Can't call method "hashref" on an undefined value at
 d:/apache/htdocs/freeside/browse/svc_acct_pop.pl line 65"
I think I understand the error... but I don't understand why my valid
hash in "new" doesn't come out in line 65 or svc_acct_pop.pl:

I have spent an embarressingly long amount of time on this... ;-)

BTW, I haven't gotten to the point where persisiant DB connections 
are needed, but I am a little confused as to exactly what I will need...
I have Apache 1.3.12 with SSL and PHP4, and my PERL is up to date 5.005
with the Apache_DBI needed for the persistant connections... do I still
need mod_PERL, or can PHP4 handle the persisant connections?

Thanx in advance.

Stephen Amadei
Dandy.net CTO
Atlantic City, NJ

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