[freeside] Adding fields to tables, was: Re: [freeside] signup.cgi errors

Joe Englert joeengle at sover.net
Tue Jun 6 11:13:06 PDT 2000

  Your advice worked like a champ.  Now I have a checkbox on the customer
edit/add script that sets a flag in the cust_main table.  I reference this
value in cust_main.pm to  determine whether or not to check and save the
new optional billing contact information.
  Can you tell me what modules and/or scripts look at the contact
information?  I'd like to know all the places I need to add some
conditional logic to make sure the right person receives the bill.  Thanks
for the help.  

On Thu, 1 Jun 2000, ivan wrote:

> On Thu, Jun 01, 2000 at 02:29:31PM -0400, Joe Englert wrote:
> > Hi Ivan, 
> > 	I'm in the process of adding some bonus fields to the cust_main
> > table.  We need the ability to send bills to someone other than the
> > contact person.
> > 
> > 	After adding fields to the table and some more widgets in the
> > edit/cust_main.cgi file, the page will display fields I've manually edited
> > but will not write out edits made from the page.  After some tracing, it
> > looks like the edit/process/cust_main.cgi is looking through all the
> > name/value pairs sent to it and relying on FS/FS/cust_main.pm to handle
> > the posting.  
> > 
> > 	How can I add fields to the cust_main object, or otherwise 
> > expand the fields associated with a customer?  Are there any pitfalls
> > - like files that are relying on the current structure that would
> > also need to be changed - that I should be aware of?
> To add fields to the cust_main table:
> 1) add the fields to the database
> 2) (possibly) add the fields to fs-setup if you want new databases to have
>    them.
> 3) add the fields to FS/FS/cust_main.pm, specifically a data check/untaint 
>    in the _check_ subroutine (and reinstall)
> 4) run bin/dbdef-create to update the database description files
> 5) modify the .cgi user interface code
> HTH.
> In the future, please use a new subject for new messages, rather than 
> replying to an unrelated question.  (Simply hitting "Reply" and changing
> the subject is not adequate; this leaves an "In-Reply-To:" header, which
> threads your message for those of us fortunate enough to use threaded
> mailreaders.)
> -- 
> meow
> _ivan

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