[freeside] Configuration files.
ivan at 420.am
Mon Jul 3 07:04:35 PDT 2000
On Fri, May 12, 2000 at 07:44:58PM -0700, Kristian Hoffmann wrote:
> Create the /usr/local/etc/freeside directory to hold you configuration.
> The mapsecrets file maps apache users to a secrets file which contains a
> db reference, username, and password. For example, if you had the users
> admin, john, and sam and you are using MySQL and a database called
> freeside; your mapsecrets field look something like...
> admin conf.DBI:mysql:freeside/secrets
> john conf.DBI:mysql:freeside/secrets
> sam conf.DBI:mysql:freeside/secrets
> "conf.DBI:mysql:freeside" is a directory under /usr/local/etc/freeside
> that holds the configuration files for that database. If you were using
> PostgreSQL and a database called fs it would be conf.DBI:pgsql:fs.
In the interest of precision, it would actually be conf.DBI:Pg:dbname=fs
(see the DBD::Pg manpage).
(Thanks for the well-written instruations on config files!)
> Next, your secrets file, located under your config directory which is
> pointed to by you map secrets file, has three lines; db engine, db
> username, and db password. For this example it would look something
> like...
> DBI:mysql:freeside
> dbusername
> dbpassword
> The dbusername and dbpassword should reflect what you have set in your
> database.
> The rest is pretty straight forward. The documentation explains what each
> config file does but there is an example config directory in the freeside
> source tree called conf.
> Hope that helps,
> -Kristian Hoffmann
> <khoff at pc-intouch.com>
> On Fri, 12 May 2000, Bryan McClendon wrote:
> > I have been going through the Installation instructions and have
> > installed all of the Perl modules as well as configured Apache, MySQL,
> > and the freeside user. I had no trouble with this as it was all familiar
> > material to me, but the configuration files portion is another matter.
> >
> > Basically, it doesn't make any sense. I've reread it over and over and
> > what I am supposed to be doing with these configuratoin files is not
> > apparent to me.
> >
> > For instance, the documentation states that
> > "/usr/local/etc/freeside/mapsecrets" is read, and each linein this file
> > is a username and a filename seperated by whitespace. Well that file
> > doesnt exist (in fact that directory doesnt exist) so I gather that I
> > must create it, and when I do I have to put usernames and filenames in
> > it. What usernames? Im told these usernames don't come from the local
> > system but come from Apache, and by that I suppose they are referenced
> > from my /etc/httpd/conf/users file (created with htpasswd). Of coarse my
> > apache users file doesnt have anything in it so I dont have any users to
> > put on these lines that require usernames and filenames. And even if I
> > did, what relationship do these usernames have with these filenames? Do
> > I just randomly put usernames next to filenames? I doubt it.
> >
> > Next I read "Filenames are located in /usr/local/etc/freeside". They
> > are? How so? I just made that directory so I'm certain it's empty. I can
> > only assume that this means that Im supposed to put the files that I
> > list in this mapsecrets file in this directory. I hope thats right,
> > because it certainly isn't clear.
> >
> > Then it says that "The specified filename is parsed..." "Three lines,
> > database engine, username, password". Lets ignore the fact that I still
> > don't know any usernames or passwords, and try to figure out how I make
> > a filename have 3 lines. Especially when the example filename is only 1
> > line that only has the database engine listed. I guess this means that
> > the specified filename refers to a -file- that contains 3 lines;
> > database engine, username, and password. Also the filename itself should
> > contain the database engine in it..?
> >
> > I could go on, but basically this documentation is only slightly better
> > than nothing at all. No doubt it makes sense to the person that wrote
> > it, but it isn't making any sense to me. Can I just get an ls -la of a
> > dummy config directory, and maybe an example mapsecrets? In fact.. an
> > explanation of what things are, as opposed to how they are supposed to
> > look might be good too.
> >
> > I suppose I could do it the way everyone else has no doubt done it,
> > trial and error, but it just burns my ass. I have never had any trouble
> > reading any documentation in my career as a network administrator, and
> > at this point I kind of take for granted that I can figure something out
> > if I just RTFM. I am most definately not the kind of person who likes to
> > learn things by screwing them up a few times first.
> >
> > Sorry if this comes across as a flame, it isn't inteaded to be one.
> >
> > Bryan McClendon
> > Parsons Internet Administrator
> > jidar at par1.net
> >
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