[freeside] Page refreshing.

Jason Spence thalakan at technologist.com
Fri Dec 1 15:06:02 PST 2000

On Fri, Dec 01, 2000 at 02:28:16PM -0800, Brad Dameron developed
a new theory of relativity and: 

> 	It looks to me that on a lot of screens that should display
> changes immediately don't. Meaning if you goto the edit screen for a
> customer, then click on the "Bill Now" it does in fact bill them but
> doesn't display it on the screen until you do a "Refresh" of the web page. 

Yeah, we've noticed this problem, too.  It appears to be a cache issue
with Netscape, since it doesn't happen with Internet Explorer.  Try
turning on the little box in preferences that says "compare this
document with the one on the network every time" or something like

 - Jason

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