Request for features
Ivan Kohler
ivan at
Wed May 12 03:22:05 PDT 1999
On Tue, May 11, 1999 at 08:50:35AM -0700, Michael Ghens wrote:
> In my business, I also do some consult work. I would like to see things
> like one time charges for billing.
You can do this now. With the "customize pricing" button in 1.2 (look in
the package listing on the main customer screen), you don't even need to
go through the clumsy process of creating new packages for each new price.
Just create one (or more) to start with for your one-off charges.
(Use a frequency of 0 to avoid recurring charges for a standard or custom
> Also they would go out once a month if not paid.
IANA Accountant, but I don't think you want to be dropping old unpaid
invoices. Technically, should be a pretty simple SQL one-liner. See
> Lastly, if someone over pays on an invoice, the credit part does not flow
> over to other invoices..
The total balance flows over correctly, but individual payments don't.
The code you're looking for is in FS::cust_pay::insert
The question of what to do with overpayments that don't have another
invoice to flow into (yet.. or possibly not) is still an open one. The
legacy system Freeside replaced long ago had a separate place for this
(payments waiting for an invoice) for each customer, and it gave our
bookeeper fits.
Ivan Kohler <ivan at> - finger for PGP key - <moc.dsis at navi> Relhok Navi
Open-source billing and administration for ISPs -
20 4,16 * * * saytime # please don't be surprised if you find me dreaming too
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