Can't call method "table" on an undefined value at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/FS/ line 721.

Ivan Kohler ivan at
Fri Mar 26 05:26:08 PST 1999

On Mon, Mar 01, 1999 at 12:41:27AM -0800, christopher norris wrote:
> Greetings,
> i've been working with the fs source for the last couple days, I started out
> on 1.1.6, had problems with the billing , ie it  when I clicked bill this
> customer nothing would happen?.

Strange.  Are you sure the customer had packages due for billing?

> Anyway I moved to the latest tarball, everything works after some changes to
> the original 1.1.6 conf files.
> I get the error, after I add a client and try to order packages on his
> behalf, I suspect the message I got this morning has something to do with

What error do you get?

> this ie, the spam {
> create constructor is depriciated, use new! at
> /usr/local/lib/site_perl/FS/ line 142
> }

This is a warning, and although noisy, is harmless.  The excessive noise
is because the warning is thrown via `cluck' (see the Carp manpage)  and
does a stack bactrace.  It's necessary to find the starting point where
`create' was used.  In the future, please post the *whole* stack

I just searched my current tree for any lingering occurances of create
instead of new, and only found it in two files:
eg/TEMPLATE_cust_main.import and fs_passwd/fs_passwd_server

> After moving some files around It still spammed, but didn't error and the
> table was created in the database.

I'm sorry, I don't understand.  What was your original problem?  What
files did you move to eliminate this error?

> cust_tax was the major offender.

What are you talking about?  The string `cust_tax' appears nowhere in the

> I know ivan likes the apache logs =).
> [Sun Feb 28 03:13:18 1999] cust_pkg.cgi: Can't call method "table" on an
> undefined value at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/FS/ line 721.

What were you doing when you got this error?  Line 721 is:

  my($table_obj) = $dbdef->table($table);

...which would imply that you didn't have $dbdef defined.  Did you run
bin/fs-setup or bin/dbdef-create ?

Ivan Kohler <ivan at> - finger for PGP key - <moc.dsis at navi> Relhok Navi
Open-source billing and administration for ISPs -
20 4,16 * * * saytime # please don't be surprised if you find me dreaming too

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