fs-setup problem

Scott Cruzen sic at boernenet.com
Sat Jun 19 14:37:58 PDT 1999

Probably the mysql permissions for the freeside database aren't setup

Entering a command like 
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES TO freeside at localhost ON freeside.* IDENTIFIED BY

in the mysql client program (as root) should fix that up.  Note that
GRANT wasn't implemented until 3.22.11, before that you'll have to
directly modify the mysql.user table.  Check the manual for options etc.



hades wrote:
> I am running redhat6.0, perl 5.005, mysql, and dbi(1.11) dbd(1.22). I
> run fs-setup enter max username length and the parmeters for RADIUS. It
> bombs out with a error message:
> Freeside tracks the RADIUS attributes User-Name, Password and
> Framed-IP-Address for each user.  Enter any additional RADIUS attributes
> you need to track for each user, separated by whitespace.:
> Can't open /usr/local/etc/freeside/dbdef.DBI:mysql:freeside: Permission
> denied at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/FS/dbdef.pm line 87, <STDIN> chunk 2.
> Any help will be much appreciated!

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