[freeside] User community here?

Frank Nazario nazario at pr-plaza.net
Thu Jul 8 15:57:45 PDT 1999

dk smith wrote:

> Is there much of a user community here or does everyone just wait for Ivan
> to answer the questions?
> Just curious: Are my questions badly formed or something?
> -dk
> --
> dks at spies.com   |   Perception is nine tenths of the law.

im in the same boat....... im a user of the program and i have to be all the
time reading to pickup tidbits here and there still i feel that its worth it
( i spend 3,000 in a Rodopi Billing System and it was the same process......
support came from one person and the mailing list. The difference now (
unfortuneatlly for me) is that this program is freeware.

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