Promotional Package

Donald L. Greer, Jr. dgreer at
Tue Jul 6 19:40:33 PDT 1999

  Er, couldn't you just set the "installation fee" to some negative
number, giving the user "credit" for however many months?
  Just a thought.  Haven't really started playing with FS much yet so
take this with a grain of salt :^).

dk smith wrote:
> also in that vein... three months?
> >Does anyone knows how do you implement a 30 days free internet access
> >promotional offer  in freeside and after that period the system starts
> >charging him/her 14.95 a month their after....
> --
> dks at   |   Perception is nine tenths of the law.

Donald L. Greer, Jr                  dgreer at AustinTX.COM
System Administrator                 Voice: 512-835-8005
AustinTX.COM                    http://www.AustinTX.COM/
  All opinions are my own.  Flame me directly.

"I don't necessarily believe software should be free...
but if you pay for it, it should work!" -- Me

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