unliked accounts

Scott Nelson drenalin at ultimanet.com
Mon Jul 5 18:29:18 PDT 1999

At 4:55 PM -0700 7/5/99, Frank Nazario wrote:
>Can some one please explain what unlinked accounts are?? They appear in
>the browse section (by username, uid,  servicenumber)but all I get is an
>error : "ACCouNtT  NOT  Found"

I believe that this is for accounts that are imported but may not have been
associated to any user profiles yet.  You have probably not imported any
accounts and therefore you have no unlinked accounts.

Somebody please correct me if I'm wrong.


 Scott Nelson - President / Network Admin - Ultima Networks
 >>> scott at ultimanet.com >>> http://www.ultimanet.com >>>
      (888) 600-8665 << (831) 771-1230 << (831) 771-1473 fax

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