[freeside] Need more Options!!!

ivan ivan at 420.am
Thu Dec 9 15:16:40 PST 1999

On Wed, Dec 08, 1999 at 11:06:18PM -0700, Jeff Garner wrote:
> You need a way to take back refunds I hit my refund button twice..  =
> oops..

You can edit the database directly, in this case.  Remove the refund from
cust_refund and adjust the customer's balance in cust_credit.  (You may
also want to remove the credit in cust_credit).

Of course, if you've taken action on the refund, like refunding charges on
a credit card or cutting the customer a check, then you shouldn't remove
them from the database.

> Also in the billing a pay my check option would be nice...

Sure, it would be nice if you paid my check too.

Use "Billing" for customers who wish to pay by check.

> Also in the service type area how about some more basic types of =
> services  right now there is dialup, domain and domain e-mail
> I would also like services for web page design, also mb of trafic =
> transfered..  mabey a generic option...

You can edit the service types in the adminstration section on the main


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