[freeside] Interesting issue

Ivan Kohler ivan at sisd.com
Wed Aug 25 04:30:37 PDT 1999

On Tue, Aug 03, 1999 at 09:36:13PM -0600, Tech Account wrote:
> I have an interesting situation which I'm unsure how best to deal with:
> Our business is requiring customers to send in setup fees and the first
> month of payment before having the account setup.
> Is the best way to handle this by issuing a credit before the first
> billing?

Hua?  I don't understand what you you would be trying to accomplish by

> Or by forcing a billing then saying that it's paid??

Or that.  I sure wouldn't want to be your accountant.

> Is there a better way?  Could Freeside handle this better somehow?

We handled this where Freeside was written by setting up the accounts and
running the billing, and then suspending the account until payment was
received.  Since the current incantation of Freeside can use arbitray Perl
expressions as prices, you could make this happen automatically.

Ivan Kohler <ivan at sisd.com> - finger for PGP key - <moc.dsis at navi> Relhok Navi
Open-source billing and administration for ISPs - http://www.sisd.com/freeside
20 4,16 * * * saytime # please don't be surprised if you find me dreaming too

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