[freeside] I think I have this down....

Ivan Kohler ivan at sisd.com
Tue Aug 3 11:53:39 PDT 1999

On Tue, Aug 03, 1999 at 09:25:24AM -0600, Tech Account wrote:
> Well, the files ARE in that location, thats what I have been trying
> to say.

You can certainly put the files wherever you like, and kludge the source
to deal with it. 

The reason I responded is because you had included this kludge in a
possible outline for installation instructions, where it has no place.

>  Further, if you read the documentation (which I assume you
> wrote) in Conf.pm, it states that there is a default directory, but
> this directory is initially /config/directory

No, `/config/directory' is used as an example directory, but the
documentation never states this is the initial default directory.

> Which doesn't exist in the documentation nor in my machine.
> If you READ the Conf.pm file, you'll find quickly that unless you
> specifically pass it a directory eg:
> $new = new FS::conf "/usr/local/etc/freeside"
> It will use $default_dir
> If you LOOK at $default_dir, it isn't set to anything.

This is correct so far, but your conclusion is incorrect.
$FS::Conf::default_dir is set, but not from within Conf.pm.

> Hence, it looks for files in / since the code goes to:
> $default_dir/$filename

No, this is incorrect.  See the getsecrets subroutine of UID.pm and the
URLs I referenced in my previous message.

> I have had other people look at this, and they confirmed that
> $default_dir isn't set to anything initially.

You can use the Perl debugger to verify that this statement is incorrect. 

> Further, the proof is in the pudding, it works when I add this in.

Yes, you have the source and are welcome to kludge around problems you

> The code doesn't seem to jive with the documentation in this respect
> either.

What, specifically, is incorrect?
> Of course, there is another solution, that is to add:
> "/usr/local/etc/freeside" to the end of all the FS::Conf calls, but
> that seemed like alot more work.


> I don't see how you can't see this, I've installed this product a dozen
> times trying to get it to work, always with the same few bugs reading
> config files. Conf is misdocumented in any case, so SOMETHING should
> most certainly change.

The documentation is certainly inadequate.  You are welcome to submit

Ivan Kohler <ivan at sisd.com> - finger for PGP key - <moc.dsis at navi> Relhok Navi
Open-source billing and administration for ISPs - http://www.sisd.com/freeside
20 4,16 * * * saytime # please don't be surprised if you find me dreaming too

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