What am I missing?

Scott Nelson drenalin at ultimanet.com
Thu Apr 15 00:46:58 PDT 1999

I was having this problem as well, but it didn't have anything to do with
the software install.  In my case, I had added an Agent, but I had not
added any packages to that agent.

Click on 'Agent Types' from the home page, then find the 'Agent Type' which
you are using for a certain 'Agent'.  You can add or delete packages to
that group which you then assign to an agent.

Each "Agent" can have a different group of packages associated with them.
While not obvious at first, this is really a nice option to have, it's just
a bit obscure when you first run into it.

I hope that this helps solve your problem.


At 10:27 PM -0700 4/14/99, Kristian Hoffmann wrote:
>I've recently installed freeside v1.2.1 and have run into the same problem
>that I have with previous versions.  I figured I must be missing a step
>here but I can't seem to figure out what it is.  Anyway, when I goto order
>a package for a customer, the order list comes up empty.  Now what I mean
>by that is i get "Add/Edit Packages" and an "Order" button bellow, but
>nothing in between.  I did setup two different services (Additional e-mail
>and dialup account) and three different packages for monthly and annual
>pricing but I still come up with nothing to order from.  I also went
>through the other steps like tax, agent_type, agents, and all the others
>in the administrative section.  If anyone could help me out I would really
>appreciate it.

 Scott Nelson - President / Network Admin - Ultima Networks
 >>> scott at ultimanet.com >>> http://www.ultimanet.com >>>
      (888) 600-8665 << (831) 771-1230 << (831) 771-1473 fax

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