Adding Service Types

cerkit at cerkit at
Thu Oct 1 20:24:28 PDT 1998

	I've asked you before for this Ivam, however, I lost it. :)
I figured it definetly maybe of interest to people on the list.

"Could you please provide me with a clear means by which to add service
types to Freeside."  

Database tables to alter, and where how, what and when to do in the
interface, if anything.  Thanks.

cerkit-------  --- -   + -- --  : --   '    \   / ------- -  +   +   
"The difference between the internet and a cactus plant is that the
cactus has the pricks on the outside."
-------  --- -   + -- --  : --   '    \   / ------- -  + at
			  ` icq 12416036 /		

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