Access denied for user

Ivan Kohler ivan at
Tue Apr 21 14:52:36 PDT 1998


Mailing list snorks: see last two paragraphs below.

On Tue, 21 Apr 1998 ken at wrote:

> > Set up access permission correctly by editing the db and user tables in
> > the mysql database?  (Sending a dump of these tables would be informative)
> > 
> > Added the correct username and password to site_perl/
> > 
> > On Sat, 18 Apr 1998 ken at wrote:
> > 
> finally got it corrected.  had to do with typing in -ppassword at the 
> end of the line after it reloaded (otherwise it won't let you in).  
> also had to do with typing '' instead of 'localhost' 
> in the mysql stuff.

That's strange.  Glad you got it working though.

> I copied the htdocs under /usr/local/www/data/htdocs, but i'm trying 
> to figure out how to get the ExecCGI stuff working.  I know I can 
> enable all the .cgi stuff going (everything on my system only 
> executes if it's in the /cgi-bin directory), but didn't want to carte 
> blanc cgi everywhere.  haven't been able of how to make heads or 
> tails yet on enabling cgi stuff from only the /htdocs or 'freeside' 
> cgis only yet.

Check the Apache documentation to see if AddHandler is valid inside a
<Directory> </Directory> block.  You'll also have to wait for 1.1.0 for
the fixes to get freeside to run anywhere in the directory tree (should be
out soon).

> question: i understand that freeside welcomes participation in 
> helping the package develope more... I'm not an expert in anything, 
> but I wouldn't mind helping on the documentation or whereever I can 
> be of help.

Documentation is one area where I could use the most help.  It would be
great if someone (or somemany) could take over maintenance of the
documentation, taking the current (half-finished) HTML stuff, various
answers to FAQs that are starting to pop up on the mailing list, and
whatever indecipherable ramblings I come up with and merge them into a
somewhat coherent whole.  This would free up more of my Copious Free Time
to work on the actual software. 

Other than that, you may want to look over the TODO and see if anything
catches your interest.

- -- 
Ivan Kohler <ivan at> - finger for PGP key
Silicon Interactive Software Design -
Simulation.  Do not drive in the ocean.

Version: 2.6.3ia
Charset: noconv


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