Another error...

Paul A. Nelson paul at
Wed Apr 8 19:11:30 PDT 1998

I got past the other two errors, but now I am getting this wierd one
(whenever I try to submit the data from any of the updates).

[Wed Apr  8 20:06:42 1998] access to
/usr/local/fs-1.0.0/htdocs/edit/process/cust_main.cgi failed for, reason: Premature end of script headers

This is just an example.  The rest are the same.  Any other ideas?

|       Paul A. Nelson                  |       paul at           |
|       System's Administrator          |       (505) 762-1414 (Voice)  |
|       South Western Plains Comm.      |       (505) 762-1011 (Fax)    |

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