[freeside-devel] Error message when using freeside 1.5.8

Kristian Hoffmann khoff at fire2wire.com
Wed Jan 24 20:56:15 PST 2007

On Wed, 24 Jan 2007, Matthew Neumark wrote:
> Alright so far it looks like it only has to do with the module sqlradius
> when using /view/svc_acct.cgi. This worked in the past on this machine
> any hints on what to replace?

Have you updated anything recently?  It's possible that you used cpan to
install one of freeside's required perl modules, like DBD::mysql, and not
your distributions package manager.  If your distro released a new openssl
package that wasn't binary compatible with the one you were previously
using, then DBD::mysql is likely to cause errors.  I'd suggest going
through your logs (and your memory) to see if you've recently updated
anything SSL or MySQL related lately.  You need to make sure that anything
that you may have installed manually that was linked against the SSL,
MySQL, or some other libraries gets recompiled.

Again, running apache under GDB should give you a pretty detailed
backtrace that should at least point you in the right direction, if not
tell you exactly which module is causing the problem.



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