PATCH-MVI: Rectify part_svc failure when no exports exist for a
Aidan Mountford
aidan at
Sun Mar 28 21:33:42 PST 2004
The patch below fixes issues with part_svc
when there are no part_exports available for a
given svc.
I have a large number of other patches you may
wish to include.
If you want i will begin sending them through .
Index: httemplate/edit/part_svc.cgi
RCS file: /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/httemplate/edit/part_svc.cgi,v
retrieving revision 1.40
diff -c -3 -r1.40 part_svc.cgi
*** httemplate/edit/part_svc.cgi 13 Feb 2004 13:53:24 -0000 1.40
--- httemplate/edit/part_svc.cgi 29 Mar 2004 05:19:26 -0000
*** 173,181 ****
my $columns = 3;
my $count = 0;
! my @part_export =
! map { qsearch( 'part_export', {exporttype => $_ } ) }
! keys %{FS::part_export::export_info($layer)};
$html .= '<BR><BR>'. table().
table(). "<TR><TH COLSPAN=$columns>Exports</TH></TR><TR>";
foreach my $part_export ( @part_export ) {
--- 201,210 ----
my $columns = 3;
my $count = 0;
! my $export_info= FS::part_export::export_info($layer);
! my @part_export =
! map { if ($_) { qsearch( 'part_export', {exporttype => $_ }
) } }
! keys %{$export_info};
$html .= '<BR><BR>'. table().
table(). "<TR><TH COLSPAN=$columns>Exports</TH></TR><TR>";
foreach my $part_export ( @part_export ) {
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